August 24, 2011


These last couple of days we have been staying in E's friend OLE JACOB and his girlfriend BRITA's apartment at CARL BERNER in OSLO. They just moved into a beautiful two floor apartment with a balcony with a stunning view. Looking out over Oslo and admiring the view it felt uncomfortable to see the top of the main government building wrapped due to reconstruction after the TERRORIST ATTACKS on OSLO the 22nd of July this year. I heard of the bombing under half an hour after it happened because E was talking to Ole Jacob on the phone, we were in Berlin. Even though his apartment is far from where the bomb went off he had felt it. We joked last night about the fact that he had been inside on his computer watching the splintered buildings on his computer all day, without realizing that he actually could have seen it from his balcony. The reason he didn't know, was that this was the day he moved to OSLO from BERGEN. What a day to arrive.

In most ways I feel very lucky that I was not here when it happened, still it feels kind of strange, almost empty not to have been. Even though BERGEN is my hometown, OSLO was the last city I lived in before i moved to BERLIN and the city and the people who live here still has a big place in my heart. I don't know how to explain this empty feeling, but it's like a feeling of that I should have been here ..or something.

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