August 27, 2011


After a month in NORWAY we have returned to BERLIN, but not to STRAUSBERGER PLATZ, to KREUZBERG. As I’ve mentioned shortly before we are moving before the wedding.. and it turned out that we started that move the day we got back, by moving our suitcases into our from now on apartment on the border between Kreuzberg and Schöneberg. The apartment is the same that my SISTER and FRODE stayed in when they were here. You might remember it from this post. It’s on the top floor, with fantastic light and beautiful floors so I can’t wait to start living there.. and photographing it.

Right now we have no internet in the apartment and the next couple of days are going to be hectic with moving and wedding preparations but I will post pictures from my last days in OSLO, the apartment and all the madness ..whenever I find time. By the way, my fear of the summer ending before I got back to BERLIN was unnessesary, as we have had over 30 degrees these last couple of days! As my friend LINDSAY would say; I LOVE IT! Have  a nice weekend everyone:)