January 16, 2013


Ever since I moved to NY I have wanted a portrait of me in the WASHINGTON SQUARE PARK ...because I think it's beautiful ..and because it is right by our house. ..AND ever since I came here I have wanted to buy a VINTAGE FUR. My last week in New York granted me both. When I first started the blog ...and many times later, I have debated  if I should do more outfits pictures. But I never managed to motivate myself to do it because I am only really interested in photographing an outfit if I can make a STORY out of the pictures, where the outfit and the surroundings somehow communicate with each other and tell a story ... ideally to look like STILLS from a FILM. And well, even though situations that are a little bit like that happen more often than I post pictures of outfits on my blog  ..its' kind of hard finding time to shoot these series when you are really doing something else. But yesterday we managed it, even though E got pretty restless in the end, getting worried we would not make it to our three star lunch reservation in Midtown (yes ...we are maxing it this last week). 

So yes, when I found this coat in a vintage store in our NEIGHBORHOOD I immediately thought it was GORGEOUS ..but it was not at all the kind of fur that I had in mind ...and was looking for ...but then I put it on ...and I felt that I was brought to a different time and a different place ..and I was MESMERIZED. In many ways I think of clothes much like COSTUMES, not costumes like in an OPERA or on HALLOWEEN, but more in the sense that costume designers in films think of costumes. I feel very strongly that certain clothes go with certain looks, situations, places, countries ..even weather (and I am referring to a more detailed way than just; wear a raincoat when it rains). This has also something to do with how I often think of life in general as a stage or a filmset. Ok, I will explain; I do not walk around thinking that I am in a film, but one of my favorite things ...that I appreciate so much when happens ... is when everything works together esthetically and thematically ...like the room, and the people and what the people are wearing ..and what they are doing ...or drinking ...or eating ...or reading for that matter; just like in some of my favorite films. Of course you have all already kind of seen how I have a tendency to photograph these kind of situations. Like I remember when I took THESE PICTURES I was for instance so happy with PERNILLE for wearing her HAT ...because I thought it worked perfectly with the setting. It's funny because not that long ago I were at some friends house and we were looking through a magazine called KINFOLK. I discovered the magazine while living in BERLIN and thought it was beauuuutiful; both the layout and the pictures ..but later I also found it a bit comical since they in this magazine really take aestheticising situations very far.  But yes, as we were discussing that magazine I realized that the kind of situation they photograph and show in this magazine is probably what you would get if 7 people like me planned and went on a photo/cabin trip together. So I guess that explains it..


  1. Beautiful. And your coat gave a retro feel to the pics! Love the coat btw. Great find.

  2. Beautiful, beautiful! And I just love your hair! :))
