November 30, 2012


Last weekend 8(!) of my NORWEGIAN GIRLFRIENDS came to NY to ...well .. shop. But I managed to sneak some culture into their program, like drinking MANHATTANS at our friend Alex's apartment while overlooking the amazing view of the city. I knew the cocktail could be TOO STRONG for them, since it's basically just three different kinds of alcohol mixed together...and with some of my friends being moms to small kids ...and therefore kind of out of practice when it comes to drinking ... BUT I feel they took the challenge well, as did Alex who agreed to serve as host to 9 Norwegian chicks this evening. Sitting in Alex's apartment it struck me that when you live in Norway you never give much thought to the fact that a that big part of the female population is blond... the real or the fake kind .. but when you move a group of girlfriends out of Norway and place them in a city like New York, you see that what is a totally normal group of girlfriends in Norway .. here really stands out.

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