March 2, 2012


FINALLY I was able to finish the portrait of HANNE'S TOWNHOUSE that I have been working on while we were in BRUSSELS. I don't say finally because it was a drag finishing it, I love beautiful spaces and had so much fun photographing the house, for me also the process of selecting and putting the pictures together is half the fun. The reason I say finally is because HANNE was so cute earlier today texting me to let me know that I had to tell her when the pictures were online so that she could stop checking my blog every fifth minute. I always enjoy working with pictures, but it's extra fun when you know that someone is looking forward to seeing them as much as you enjoyed working on them. I can also REALLY relate to the feeling of waiting and wanting to see pictures. So Hanne; I hope you like them;) 


  1. Lekre bilder!
    Ikke ille dette huset her, nei! Pass opp, Hanne, kan bli mye besøk fremover.

  2. Fantastisk flotte bilder. Trenger vi en fotograf en gang vet vi hvem vi skal ringe.

  3. Kjempestilige bilder, vi gleder oss til å besøke både Hanne og huset ;-)
