March 1, 2012


As some of you might remember I gave E two TONG MAGAZINES for his birthday. TONG is a BELGIAN WINE magazine that is -as noted in the title of this post, for people who are a bit over the average interested in wine ..and maybe esthetics (because I bet some of the reason why the magazine costs what it does has to do with the quality of the paper, printing and layout). LINA, a friend of us here in BERLIN, tipped me about the magazine when I said that I was looking for a gift for E. LINA has great taste and is a kindred spirit when it comes to interests for wine, food and esthetics not surprisingly the gift was a hit; E loved it ..and has now bought two more ..and I'm sure there will be more to come. The magazine comes out four times a year and each issue is dedicated to a certain GRAPE, a sort of wine, a REGION or a field/concept connected to wine; like TERROIR or OAK. One of the other nice things about this magazine is that all the issues are available for ORDER on their WEBPAGE. I know that they also have them at DO YOU READ ME? in AUGUST STRAßE here in BERLIN, which is where we bought the ones we have. A magazine for both the eye and the intellect ..and on a next level for great wine experiences.

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